Suffering from a toothache is not a pleasant experience. The pain can even make an adult cry. Tooth cavities generally be the original cause us suffering from toothache. Toothache is also a serious health problem for many people. What exactly happens to our teeth when suffering from toothache? What other causes of cavities? How do I prevent toothache?

Tooth decay is not caused by worms such as the opinion of those in ancient times. This theory lasted until the 1700's to Willoughby Miller an American dentist who worked at the University of Berlin found the cause of tooth decay. He found that cavities are caused by the encounter between the bacteria and sugar. Bacteria will convert sugar from food scraps into acids that cause tooth becomes acidic environment and acid is what ultimately makes a small hole in tooth enamel.

When a hole occurs in the tooth enamel, we do not feel dental pain. However, a small hole on the next email may be a gap remaining food and the bacteria will make a bigger hole perforating the dentin. At this time we will feel the pains of the teeth while eating. If allowed, the hole will come to the nerve hole so we'll start to feel a toothache. This process will not stop until the teeth eventually become exhausted and the only remaining tooth root.

Toothache cannot be underestimated as some people, because if ignored, can make the teeth become swollen and inflamed. Additionally tooth cavity can be a mean of channel entry of germs into the bloodstream that can cause kidney disease, lung, heart and other diseases.

In order not getting worse, so if you have cavities you should immediately visit the dentist to treat it. Although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of the teeth, worried it is expensive, afraid or ashamed of being ridiculed because of a broken tooth, but go to the dentist is the best solution to cope with toothache. Cavities cannot heal by itself. Although, perhaps after suffering from a toothache, the pain may be lost but did not improve the situation of the teeth. Tooth will remain hollow, even the hole will keep getting bigger.

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